Roller Skating at George D Costello Roller Rink (Year round)

Indoor roller skating in the heart of Greenport Village. Public sessions year round. $10 admission/free rentals. Skate sizes T7 to M16. We sell socks! Free lessons, we get everyone rolling.


VEME Studios (year round)

At VEME Studios, indulge in deliciously creative experiences. It’s open to all ages and skill levels. Guests can drop in anytime during operating hours and select from a menu of […]



An annual culinary celebration that showcases local shellfish and benefits Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Program’s SPAT Program and Back to the Bays Initiative.


President’s Day parade

Celebrate President’s Day at Greenport’s annual parade.


Winter Wonderland

Vote for your favorite holiday design at any participating Greenport merchant, restaurant or hotel. All voters entered to win a Holiday Grand Prize Basket. Winners will be announced on January […]


Parade of lights, tree lighting and Menorah lighting

Beloved event signals the start of the holiday season in the Village of Greenport, with carols sung by local students, and visits with Santa and Mrs. Claus.
